Support Crowd Protocol
Dear Supporter,
Signing the "Early access to HCQ for Covid-19" petition (PETITION URL) will translate into changing policy and saving lives.
To collect millions of signatures within a couple of weeks, we ask that you, as a signer, to actively recruit 3-5 more signers, as follows:
Sign the petition
Receive a pledge from AT LEAST 3 to 5 friends or relatives that they will sign the petition and spread the word. [More than 5 is even better, of course. Please, try doing it within 24 hours from receiving this email]
Forward this link to your recruits
Report back to the person that recruited you as to how many recruits you have signed up
Receive back recruits' reports that they signed the petition and recruited further.
(If the report from your recruit is not received within 24 hours from your email to them, you might want to double-check what the status of the signing from that recruit is and/or ask others)
That's all there is to it.
Certainly, it would be nice if you also posted a message about the petition (PETITION URL) on social networks (facebook, twitter, etc.), but - unlike active recruiting - there is no guarantee that the target numbers can be met in a timely manner.
Thank you again for your participation!