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International Journal of Antimicrobial Agentsによる画期的な研究の受理

ロランド・デルワンド、マーティン・ショルツ、ウラジミール・ゼレンコによる亜鉛プラス低用量ヒドロキシクロロキンおよびアジスロマイシンを用いた早期リスク層別化治療に関する後向き症例シリーズ研究が、International Journal of Antimicrobial Agentsに受理された。



Metamorphosis by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: Chapters 21 and 22

This book describes how divine providence has guided and helped him overcome very difficult personal challenges including divorce and cancer. Today, we are publishing the twenty-first and the twenty-second chapters of the book.

Metamorphosis by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: Chapters 19 and 20

This book describes how divine providence has guided and helped him overcome very difficult personal challenges including divorce and cancer. Today, we are publishing the nineteenth and the twentieth chapters of the book.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenkoの「メタモルフォーシス」:第17章と第18章


Metamorphosis by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: Chapters 15 and 16

This book describes how divine providence has guided and helped him overcome very difficult personal challenges including divorce and cancer. Today, we are publishing the fifteenth and the sixteenth chapters of the book.

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